Thursday, September 25, 2014

What I Watched in September

For my reviews and ratings on most of these movies check me out over at Letterboxd.


1. Arnulf Rainer (Kubelka, 1960)

2. Outer Space (Tscherkassky, 1999)

3. A Trip to the Moon (Méliès, 1902)

4. Unsere Afrikareise (Kubelka, 1966)

5. Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953)

6. Brave (Andrews, Chapman, Purcell, 2012)

7. This Is Not a Film (Mirtahmasb, Panahi, 2011)

8. The Living Skeleton (Matsuno, 1968)

9. Rose Hobart (Cornell, 1936)

10. Listen to Britain (Jennings, McAllister, 1942)

11. The Sea (Lumière, 1895)

12. The Barbershop (Fickson, Heise, 1894)

13. The Magician (Méliès, 1898)

14. The Countryman's First Sight of the Animated Pictures (Paul, 1901)

15. Kansas Saloon Smashers (Porter, 1901)

16. My Neighbor Totoro (Miyazaki, 1988)

17. Ping Pong Summer (Tully, 2014)

18. The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Algar, Geronimi, Kinney, 1949)

19. Compliance (Zobel, 2012)

20. Un Chien Andalou (Buñuel, 1929)

21. The House Is Black (Farrokhzad, 1963)

22. The Drop (Roskam, 2014)

23. The Passion of Joan of Arc (Dreyer, 1928)

24. Le sang des bêtes (Franju, 1949)

25. Land Without Bread (Buñuel, 1933)

26. The Maze Runner (Ball, 2014)

27. Sátántangó (Tarr, 1994)

28. Tusk (Smith, 2014)

29. Giant Coal Dumper (White, 1897)

30. Night and Fog (Resnais, 1955)

31. Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (Berlinger, 2000)

Total films watched in 2014: 245